St. Paul’s, Wimbledon & Kensal • Our Savior, Pettibone • Redeemer, Woodworth

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The Resurrection

Why is the resurrection important (or necessary)?  Apparently the people who wrote the New Testament think it is.  The word “resurrection” is mentioned 51 times in the New Testament: eight times in Matthew, five times in Mark, six times in Luke, five times in John, 10 times in Acts, two times in Romans, six times in First Corinthians, two times in Philippians, one time in Second Timothy, two times in Hebrews, two times in First Peter, and two times in Revelation.  Why is the word “resurrection” mentioned so many times in the New Testament?  The people who wrote the New...

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History of Our Savior Lutheran Church – Pettibone

Our Savior Lutheran Church – Pettibone 1966 – Two congregations, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church of Pettibone and Zion Lutheran Church of Petersville, merge to form Our Savior’s Lutheran Church of Pettibone 1966 – Parish formed with Redeemer Lutheran Church of Woodworth 1968 – A new church building was completed 1983 – The final payment for the new building was made.  Total cost was $75,000 1984 – Has a baptized membership of 180, with a communicant membership of 130.  It has a sizable choir, youth group, and ladies organization, along with Sunday School and Bible classes.  The Sunday School size was...

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An Invitation to Discipleship

Jesus invites His listeners to discipleship.  What does it mean to be a disciple?  A disciple is “one who follows.”   Within the setting of the New Testament, disciples follow teachers.  Thus, Jesus invites His listeners to follow Him as their teacher.  Please note: not everyone who listens to Jesus is His disciple.  Disciples follow. What does it mean to follow Jesus as His disciple?  Several selections from the New Testament discuss the cost of following Jesus as His disciple.  This cost can be both physical and spiritual. Luke 9:57-62: 57 As they were walking along the road, a man said to him,...

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